Âba wathtec! Oki! Danit'ada! Tansi! Tawnshi! Kiʔsuʔk kyukyit! Weyt-kp xwexwéytep! Hello and Welcome!
This webpage is meant to help navigate the Indigenous materials we hold in the archives and offer a better understanding of what that may consist of. The archives can often feel intimidating and difficult to navigate. Our goal is to increase the accessibility of our collections and make it easier for the public to find Indigenous materials. Feel free to browse and explore through topics to get an understanding of the items we hold here.
If you have any further questions, inquiries or information to share, feel free to email the archives at archives@whyte.org.
When looking through our collections, please be aware that many materials are presented as originally created and may contain outdated cultural descriptions as well as offensive language and content.
This webpage has been designed and created by Jacinda Brisson, Archives Indigenous Research Intern, as part of the Young Canada Works at Building Careers in Heritage Internship Program.